Genre: Pop, Ballad
1. Mistress
2. 사슬 (Chained Up)
4. Stop It Girl
5. Hot Enough
6. Spider
7. 부시시
8. Heaven
9. 지금 우린
10. Eternity [Not Reviewed]
11. Error [Not Reviewed]
12. Can't Say [Not Reviewed]
VIXX is back and everything is sexy and making me cry tears of joy!
1. Mistress (Intro): I'm a sucker for creepy introductions, and this one's just about as creepy as it can get. It feels very similar to the intro to their album Voodoo, actually. This isn't a bad thing, I loved Voodoo (the album, the practice scares me a bit), but all I keep thinking as I listen to this is "Man, this would have been great if they released this on Halloween." My only problem with this is that for those people that still only pay attention to full album releases, they may think VIXX can only produce dark albums, which other singles have shown isn't the case. That said, creepy intros are awesome--they're infinitely better than random, happy intros that seem unnecessary.
2. 사슬 (Chained Up) [TITLE]: This isn't as creepy as I was expecting. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it looked as though VIXX were going to try for a creepy concept again, and though this song certainly isn't happy, considering other singles they've had, it isn't creepy. In fact, there's something about it that reminds me of the 2010 K-pop scene, I'm not entirely sure why, but there's just an underlying sound to it that makes me think it was written and recorded in 2010. Since 2010 was a pretty good year for K-pop (SHINee released "Lucifer" that year, and it's still on my list of favorites), sounding like it's from that era is not a bad thing. This isn't my favorite VIXX song ever, however. I'm sure it'll grow on me, but I would have loved a song that showed off their singing a little more--at times the rapping seems a little off, but that may just because I'm used to Ravi being the sole rapper, and in this case, Hongbin and Hyuk also get in on a little rapping. Overall, it's a good song, and I feel bad for expecting more, but I actually like VIXX, so I want them to be the best all the time, and I'm not sure this song is the best. Though the free vocalizations are amazing, as always. I <3 Leo (and Ken). Check out the music video here!
3. MAZE: So I can tell the same composers did this song as "Chained Up" immediately--there's still that that feeling that it was actually released years ago. I can also tell that this song will (if it doesn't already) will probably have a very tiring dance for these guys. I love the chorus the most, because it actually makes me want to run, and I hate running. I really don't have much else to say about it, since it does feel repetitive after a while (As a side note, if you listen to this song on repeat, the beginning and ending feel connected, which is awesome). The bridge is a little awkward for my taste because it just suddenly happens, but I'd say this will be one of their songs that people will end up paying more attention to the dance than the song when it's performed live. If there isn't a strong dance to go along with this song, I'll be really surprised.
4. Stop It Girl: And into ballad territory we go! If Jellyfish Entertainment is good at anything (besides collecting talented males), it's ballads. The lyrics aren't fantastically original, but between the vocals of these guys, it's pretty good. And I say that as someone who regularly skips ballads as they start playing. I wouldn't mind listening to this ballad more often (I've listened to it a lot in order to write this and I'm not tired of it, which is a good sign). Also, kudos to Ravi for his ability to make is rapping and make it soft (particularly since he has a rough texture to his voice naturally). I'm not sure if this is a favorite from this album yet, but four songs in and it is. I realize the song is supposed to be sort of sad, but I want to smile while listening to it.
5. Hot Enough: I'm not going to lie, this title makes me giggle, and I did have to go check if Hyuk was old enough to be singing a song like this. Seriously. I had to open a window. The lyrics...I'm not sure if everyone will understand them the same way I did, but they're very sexy. I am looking forward to seeing them perform this live. I will make sure it happens somehow. I need it. But I digress... If you don't know what the lyrics are saying, the music basically tells you, and the fact that the song pertains to being essentially knocked sideways by a lover, the fact that the music sounds a little skewed off the beat fits it well. It may not be the best song on the album, but for the sake of fans everywhere, I'm hoping it's the sexiest. I probably won't be able to stand it otherwise.
6. Spider: This sounds like VIXX. I'm not sure why this made me feel like I was listening to the VIXX I already know, but I feel like this could have been the title song had they really wanted it to be. I have to say, the beginning of Ravi's rapping in this song is probably one of my least favorites I've heard from him, but even having said that, the meat of his rap is better than others I've heard from him, and I think it really shows how he's settling into his role. The rest of the song is pretty great; I can see why they didn't use this as the title song, even though they could have (And they may release it as a single later)--it's good, but it sounds like other things that have been released. Also, had they wanted to release this as a title, I would have been really angry that this WASN'T available on Halloween. Also as a Black Widow fan (the Avenger, not the actual spider), I appreciate this song a lot.
7. 부시시: How cute is this song? No seriously, HOW CUTE IS THIS SONG? Considering pretty much everything up to this has been very...hot, to say the least, this is a wonderful change of pace. I'm not complaining about sexy lyrics, but there's just something about cute lyrics like this that just kill me, and I really don't mind it. While I say the song is cute, it isn't cavity inducing--it's cute in a mature way, which is perfect for an album like this. In addition, the music is great. Had i een anything except actual instruments, the effect wouldn't have been the same. I love this song, and I recognize that one of the reasons I do really love this song is because it's on this particular album. Had this album been full of happy-go-lucky songs and sounds, I'd probably think this song was only okay, but I want this song to be in my life forever. It's too cute. I'm drowning in it, tbh.
8. Heaven: More cuteness! This makes me think of VIXX when they were just starting out, actually. It's like they're showing how much they've grown by harkening back to their roots, and I love it. It's even more poignant that this is Ravi's song almost entirely. He knows how to play to his group's strengths and I love it. So much. Have I said that already? Anyway... I've got to say, the first three words are a little awkward, but I can't think of a better way to start the song, because it would be more awkward without them, and also, Ravi's voice. Every time the song starts I've gotten goosebumps, and I don't know if they'll ever stop. And then when I think that it's Ravi that wrote this song, it gives me goosebumps all over again, because people that aren't fans may see or hear him and think he's this hardened, rough rapper, when this song shows him for what fans already knew he was: a giant teddy bear who pours his heart into what he does and who he loves. In short, I love this song. I love it.
9. 지금 우린: Finishing up with the new songs on this album is a ballad. Usually ballads are placed closely together on albums, and as someone who doesn't particularly enjoy the ballad parts of albums, I am very grateful VIXX split their ballads up. Even though VIXX is one of the few groups that I think could do a lot of ballads and I wouldn't mind, I still tire of them. And this ballad is an epic one. Ken's vocals at 3:24 have repeatedly sent shivers down my spine, and I can see why he does Broadway shows. One thing I must say is that I'm glad they managed to get Ravi a couple lines without forcing a really awkward rap in the middle of an absolutely stunning ballad. I said it earlier, but Jellyfish is the BEST at ballads. I'm so glad this song exists, and if I get the chance, I'll show even non-K-pop fans this song to show how great groups can be. I'm just so proud and really attracted to Ken right now.
10. Eternity [PREVIOUSLY RELEASED]: Watch the music video!
11. Error [PREVIOUSLY RELEASED]: Watch the music video!
12. Can't Say [PREVIOUSLY RELEASED IN JAPAN]: Watch the Japanese music video here! (Note: I did consider reviewing this one since it's now being released in Korean, but since it's the same song, just in a different language, I decided against it.)
Score: 8.4/10